Online resources, assisted by search engines, provide unmatched convenience for text-based searching. Here are some useful online resources for butterfly identification:
Lepidoptera and some other life forms
FUNET is the Finnish University and Research Network. It is a comprehensive and easy-to-use database. It is rather up-to-date in terms of the scientific names. Information such as geographical distribution is very helpful in identification of butterflies.
The Global Lepidoptera Names Index
by Natural History Museum
Formerly known as British Museum (Natural History), Natural History Museum in London is one of the most important reference. The online database appeared to offer comprehensive list of butterfly species. However, most of the information was not kept in this database and many fields were left blanked. Anyway, it is still a reference for tracking valid scientific names.
A Check List of Butterflies in Indo-China
by Y.Inayoshi
Mr Yutaka Inayoshi is a well known lepidopterist from Japan. He spent long time in Indo-China. Inayoshi contributed a lot to the great reference book “Butterflies of Thailand 2nd Edition”. His web site is certainly a good reference too.
Yutaka Inayoshi乃知名的日本鱗翅目學家。他花了不少時間於中南半島地區。他對參考書《泰國蝴蝶第二版》有相當的貢獻。他的網站理所當然地是極佳的參考資源。
A Synonymic List of Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) from the Philippines
by Yusuke Takanami & Yasuo Seki
Apart from the books by Mr Bernard d’Abrera, there is not much resources about butterflies in the Philippines. This web site is one of the few free online resources that can work as a compliment to the books by d’Abrera.
在Bernard d’Abrera的圖書以外,有關菲律賓蝴蝶的資源不多。此網站是少數有關菲律賓蝴蝶的免費資源,可視為d’Abrera著作的補充資料。
ButterflyCircle Checklist (Singapore Checklist)
It offers comprehensive coverage of butterflies in Singapore. This is one of the best organized online resources. Apart from photos of mature butterflies, the complete life cycle was also shown.
Rhopalocera Ngiana 延陵蝶類志
It is part of Fauna Ngiana under Acta Scientrium Ngensis. The collection includes mainly specimens gathered in Hong Kong. The collection is not huge, but the quality of the plate photos are generally better than many publications.
Learn about Butterflies
by Adrian Hoskins /
Mr Adrian Hoskins is an entomologist from UK. According to the about-page, his photo collection has covered over 2700 species.
Adrian Hoskins是一個來自英國的昆蟲學家。根據他的自我介紹,他的收藏包括了近2700種的蝴蝶。
Butterflies of America
by Butterflies of America Foundation
The web site covered a huge collection of North and South America butterflies.