Eversmann’s parnassian is a butterfly generally found in cold regions with a high latitude of 60+ degrees North near the arctic circle, such as Siberia, Alaska, or Yukon. At about 40+ degrees , it may still be found in high mountains such as Daisetsuzan (Hokkaido) or Paektu Mountain(China/North Korea). The adult butterfly is active when there is snow in the field. To find this beautiful butterfly, hike through certain snow fields may be unavoidable.

Among the known spots, Daisetsuzan (Hokkaido, Japan) may be the most accessible one. Back in 2018, I made my first attempt to find this butterfly. I failed as the road to the mountain was damaged by heavy rain. In June 2019, I made another attempt. I failed again miserably as the road did not open on schedule. After confirming the road condition, I booked my flight to Japan and made my third attempt in July 2019.

Although it is summer and the temperature is 20+ °C , it is still a must to cross several snow fields. With hotter than usual weather, the snow fields were smaller than usual. Still, the size remained respectable.

The trail is a popular hiking trail. We met quite a lot of visitors on our way to the butterfly spot. Some visitors made their way back with casual hiking boots. However, it is definitely better to be well equipped (crampons, waterproof boots with insulation, hiking poles).

Parnassius eversmanni was active around the host plant and nectar plants. In Japan, the habitat is seriously protected. Visitors are strictly prohibited to cross the trail boundary. While photography is concerned, you have to wait for the butterfly to land on proper places.