Butterfly Universe 賞蝶天外宇 – Livendula huebneri

Recorded in Amazonia within Ecuador.  Comparing to other Eco zones, there are more Riodinidae species.  However, many of them behaves like Celaenorrhinus sp. in Asia.  During the day, they like to stay under the leaves.  Shooting them with traditional DSLR is not very suitable.  To avoid missing huge amount of Riodinidae species, we need to pick some equipment specifically.  During the trip, I used Canon G11 with the articulating screen.
攝於厄瓜多爾的亞馬遜林區. 相比其他地區, 亞馬遜林區有相當多的蜆蝶科蝴蝶. 不過習性上, 很像亞洲這邊的星弄蝶, 日間愛停在葉片下. 拍攝這些蝴蝶時, 使用傳統單反機反而很無力. 為了不錯失大量蜆蝶科蝴蝶, 在選用器材上確實需要採取針對性的. 這次採用的相機, 是可以掀出螢幕的Canon G11.


Butterfly Universe 賞蝶天外宇 – Caria rhacotis

Caria rhacotis is a Riodinidae butterfly.  It can be found in the Central to South America from Guatemala to Peru.  Recorded in Amazonia within Ecuador.

Caria rhacotis是一種蜆蝶, 分佈於危地馬拉至秘魯等中美至南美地區. 攝於厄瓜多爾的亞馬遜林區.



Butterfly Universe 賞蝶天外宇 – Ancyluris aulestes

Yesterday, I shared the low profile Satyrinae butterfly.  Today, let us take a more eye catching Riodininae.  Ancyluris aulestes was showing some dazzling blue color under the sunlight.  It was recorded in the Amazonia within Ecuador.

昨天分享了不起眼的高海拔眼蝶. 今天來一款華麗一點的蜆蝶. 這Ancyluris aulestes, 在陽光下就會閃閃發光, 攝於厄瓜多爾境內的亞馬遜林區.

Ancyluris aulestes

Butterfly Universe 賞蝶天外宇 – Altopedaliodes tena

This Satyrinae butterfly was not really eye catching.  However, it was recorded on the way to Amazonia from Quito.  Out of my butterfly gallery, this is the record that was taken at the highest altitude (about 4200m).

這眼蝶並不漂亮, 可以說是毫不起眼. 不過這是在厄瓜多爾首都基多前往亞馬遜林區時. 在我拍的眾多蝴蝶之中, 這是最高海拔拍到的紀錄(大約是海拔4200m).

Altopedaliodes tena